Thursday, June 28, 2007

Got Gas???

Tuesday evening: I walked out into our garage and noticed the very faint smell of gas-- not gasoline, natural gas. I sniffed around but could not pinpoint the source. Hum, I must be crazy...

Wednesday morning (4:30 AM): I was awakened by a crazy dream. While trying to go back to sleep, I thought I could smell the very faint odor of natural gas. Later, on the way to work, I mention this event to Pops. He said that he didn't smell gas...Hum, I must be crazy.

Wednesday afternoon: Arriving home after work, as we walked into the house- there it was again- the faint smell of natural gas! I asked Pops if he could smell it. Again, he said no. Okay, so I'm crazy... We packed the bikes and headed off to the trail.

Wednesday evening (after riding): Arriving home from the trail, we noticed several white trucks (with flashing yellow lights) parked in front of our house and 2 gentleman digging a very big hole in our front yard. When we asked what was going on, they said our neighbors had called and reported that gas was "escaping" from our meter. Oh my god!!! I HAD been smelling gas! And, "escaping" was an under-statement-- It was spewing!! It's a wonder the house didn't blow up!


Had not most of the escaping gas been blown away by the wind we could have been asphyxiated! Also, it was a nice summer day and not the middle of winter. We ended up losing the hot water heater over night, but that wasn't a big problem- I would have hated to lose the furnace last the winter. Also, apparently, there has been a some sort of problem with these particular meters. The gas company was actually in the process of checking our neighborhood and replacing the meter(for free) if they found any that was faulty. So, we got a new meter at no cost.

Oh, and I'm not crazy!

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