My time today was 44:30-- I made my goal to beat last months time!! Whoo-hoo!!
1st TT (April) 49:35
2nd TT (May) 45:12
3rd TT (June) 44:30
Hopefully, I can keep this trend going!
I felt pretty good today. I was definitely suffering, but you're suppose to suffer during a time trial. The weather was perfect - sunny and about 62 degrees at the start. Today's headwind was on the return- so that was different.
Oh here's something cool- this months (Jul) Bicycling Magazine mentions the Colavita TT series (page 51).
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Colavita Time Trial
Tomorrow's the Colavita Time Trial. This will be my third time doing this race. Right now, I just want to have a faster time than last month and come home with some good Colavita pasta. The pasta makes it all worth while-- yum-mmy!
Last race--time to beat... 45:12.
Also, I think I'm going to do the "6 hrs of Paint Creek" mountain bike race (solo) on 15 Jul. Pops is planning to race, so rather than spend the day sitting around the camp by myself, I'll just spend it riding. My plan is to not "go fast", or not "go hard", just "go". I've done 6 hour rides before so (I think) if I can just keep a steady pace, I should be able to do ok. Unfortunately, if I ride, that will mean I won't be there to help support Pops during his transitions. But,if we plan ahead, we should be ok.
Last race--time to beat... 45:12.
Also, I think I'm going to do the "6 hrs of Paint Creek" mountain bike race (solo) on 15 Jul. Pops is planning to race, so rather than spend the day sitting around the camp by myself, I'll just spend it riding. My plan is to not "go fast", or not "go hard", just "go". I've done 6 hour rides before so (I think) if I can just keep a steady pace, I should be able to do ok. Unfortunately, if I ride, that will mean I won't be there to help support Pops during his transitions. But,if we plan ahead, we should be ok.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Got Gas???
Tuesday evening: I walked out into our garage and noticed the very faint smell of gas-- not gasoline, natural gas. I sniffed around but could not pinpoint the source. Hum, I must be crazy...
Wednesday morning (4:30 AM): I was awakened by a crazy dream. While trying to go back to sleep, I thought I could smell the very faint odor of natural gas. Later, on the way to work, I mention this event to Pops. He said that he didn't smell gas...Hum, I must be crazy.
Wednesday afternoon: Arriving home after work, as we walked into the house- there it was again- the faint smell of natural gas! I asked Pops if he could smell it. Again, he said no. Okay, so I'm crazy... We packed the bikes and headed off to the trail.
Wednesday evening (after riding): Arriving home from the trail, we noticed several white trucks (with flashing yellow lights) parked in front of our house and 2 gentleman digging a very big hole in our front yard. When we asked what was going on, they said our neighbors had called and reported that gas was "escaping" from our meter. Oh my god!!! I HAD been smelling gas! And, "escaping" was an under-statement-- It was spewing!! It's a wonder the house didn't blow up!
Had not most of the escaping gas been blown away by the wind we could have been asphyxiated! Also, it was a nice summer day and not the middle of winter. We ended up losing the hot water heater over night, but that wasn't a big problem- I would have hated to lose the furnace last the winter. Also, apparently, there has been a some sort of problem with these particular meters. The gas company was actually in the process of checking our neighborhood and replacing the meter(for free) if they found any that was faulty. So, we got a new meter at no cost.
Oh, and I'm not crazy!
Wednesday morning (4:30 AM): I was awakened by a crazy dream. While trying to go back to sleep, I thought I could smell the very faint odor of natural gas. Later, on the way to work, I mention this event to Pops. He said that he didn't smell gas...Hum, I must be crazy.
Wednesday afternoon: Arriving home after work, as we walked into the house- there it was again- the faint smell of natural gas! I asked Pops if he could smell it. Again, he said no. Okay, so I'm crazy... We packed the bikes and headed off to the trail.
Wednesday evening (after riding): Arriving home from the trail, we noticed several white trucks (with flashing yellow lights) parked in front of our house and 2 gentleman digging a very big hole in our front yard. When we asked what was going on, they said our neighbors had called and reported that gas was "escaping" from our meter. Oh my god!!! I HAD been smelling gas! And, "escaping" was an under-statement-- It was spewing!! It's a wonder the house didn't blow up!
Had not most of the escaping gas been blown away by the wind we could have been asphyxiated! Also, it was a nice summer day and not the middle of winter. We ended up losing the hot water heater over night, but that wasn't a big problem- I would have hated to lose the furnace last the winter. Also, apparently, there has been a some sort of problem with these particular meters. The gas company was actually in the process of checking our neighborhood and replacing the meter(for free) if they found any that was faulty. So, we got a new meter at no cost.
Oh, and I'm not crazy!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
What the heck is "Cornhole"?
Today, while walking through a flea market, I noticed there were several booths that contained large handmade signs advertising one word... "CORNHOLE"!!! Now, these signs got my attention, and after several minutes of careful observation, I was able to surmised that "Cornhole" is some sort of a game that requires one to throw a beanbag through a hole in a sheet of plywood. Maybe it's a bag filled with corn that is thrown through the hole in a sheet of plywood- but I'm just guessing here.
I'm not really sure how this game is played or scored, or if this game requires any special talents or skills. And, apparently, one can purchase specially made Cornhole beanbags (they came in various sizes and colors- some in the colors of favorite sport teams), along with specially made Cornhole sheets of plywood (which looked to me like a regular sheet of plywood with a hole cut into it).
Anyway, this Cornhole game appears to be very popular (as demonstrated by the large crowds of people gathered in and around these booths).
.... Cornhole? ....Anyone?
I'm not really sure how this game is played or scored, or if this game requires any special talents or skills. And, apparently, one can purchase specially made Cornhole beanbags (they came in various sizes and colors- some in the colors of favorite sport teams), along with specially made Cornhole sheets of plywood (which looked to me like a regular sheet of plywood with a hole cut into it).
Anyway, this Cornhole game appears to be very popular (as demonstrated by the large crowds of people gathered in and around these booths).
.... Cornhole? ....Anyone?
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Welcome to GoFastPops Training 101!!!
Yesterday, Pops was looking for an easy, "spin your legs ride". Cool! I'll go too-- because I know an easy ride for Pops will be a workout for me.
Lesson #1: Suffering!!! Pops says, "If you want to be a better rider, you have to start suffering."
Several times during the ride, Pops commented to me that he didn't think I was suffering "enough". That meant: no drafting, maintaining "race pace", and finishing the ride with a killer climb.

Going up Mound Rd.

I'm almost there...
Oh yes! I was suffering, but I also really appreciate his help.
What will he have in store for my next lesson??
I don't know, but BRING IT ON.
Lesson #1: Suffering!!! Pops says, "If you want to be a better rider, you have to start suffering."
Several times during the ride, Pops commented to me that he didn't think I was suffering "enough". That meant: no drafting, maintaining "race pace", and finishing the ride with a killer climb.
Going up Mound Rd.
I'm almost there...
Oh yes! I was suffering, but I also really appreciate his help.
What will he have in store for my next lesson??
I don't know, but BRING IT ON.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Totally frustrated!
You would think, that after 4 years of mountain biking, I would be able to handle an "intermediate" level course. But, to my frustration, I can not-- a point made painfully obvious at yesterday’s ride at Harbin Park. This trail has everything an intermediate rider could ask for -- a nice flowing, heavily wooded, single track trail with terrain changes, switchbacks, and small obstacles. But, after having to stop and get off my bike to walk about every 5 minutes, I came to the realization that I'm still a "beginner" mountain biker. Yep, you add little difficulty to a trail and I fall apart like a "delicate doily".
And really, it's not just mountain biking. I'm still pretty much a beginner road rider too. Our little adventure on the tandem at last Tuesday’s Group Ride drove that point home. This group said they average "about 18 mph" (what I would consider a good intermediate pace) but as Pops and I watched the group ride away from us, I realized that he could only "compensate" for my lack of ability by so much. Yep, we pretty much did that ride by ourselves.
This little epiphany reminds me of the time I decided to play softball about 10 years ago. I was a true beginner at the time and my team-mates tolerated my "learning curve". They assigned me the position of Catcher (to keep me in a "safe" place). I did "okay" but even after playing a couple of seasons, I was still playing at a "beginners level". I realized this fact during an "important" play-off game because the 3rd baseman felt absolutely compelled to play both her position and mine at the same time. Anytime there was a remote chance of something happening near home plate, she would run home so she could "back me up". Now, I have no trouble with that, but her idea of "backing me up" was standing in front of me, blocking me, to make the play. I quit softball after that game.
Now, I really don't want to quit riding because I enjoy it. And, because "being a quitter" really ticks me off. But, my lack of ability is starting to get to me. I know I don't have what you would call a natural athletic ability, but I thought I would be a better rider by now. Pops wants me to ride with him, but when I do, he just ends up sitting and waiting on me, which makes me feel worst because now he's not getting anything out of his ride. It's all very frustrating!
I don't know... maybe, I should just stop trying to be an athlete, and take up knitting.
And really, it's not just mountain biking. I'm still pretty much a beginner road rider too. Our little adventure on the tandem at last Tuesday’s Group Ride drove that point home. This group said they average "about 18 mph" (what I would consider a good intermediate pace) but as Pops and I watched the group ride away from us, I realized that he could only "compensate" for my lack of ability by so much. Yep, we pretty much did that ride by ourselves.
This little epiphany reminds me of the time I decided to play softball about 10 years ago. I was a true beginner at the time and my team-mates tolerated my "learning curve". They assigned me the position of Catcher (to keep me in a "safe" place). I did "okay" but even after playing a couple of seasons, I was still playing at a "beginners level". I realized this fact during an "important" play-off game because the 3rd baseman felt absolutely compelled to play both her position and mine at the same time. Anytime there was a remote chance of something happening near home plate, she would run home so she could "back me up". Now, I have no trouble with that, but her idea of "backing me up" was standing in front of me, blocking me, to make the play. I quit softball after that game.
Now, I really don't want to quit riding because I enjoy it. And, because "being a quitter" really ticks me off. But, my lack of ability is starting to get to me. I know I don't have what you would call a natural athletic ability, but I thought I would be a better rider by now. Pops wants me to ride with him, but when I do, he just ends up sitting and waiting on me, which makes me feel worst because now he's not getting anything out of his ride. It's all very frustrating!
I don't know... maybe, I should just stop trying to be an athlete, and take up knitting.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Bustin' my butt-- at home
Sooo... last Tuesday, I went for another ride at Caesar's Creek. Since I was riding by myself, (Pop's was there, but he was wackin' weeds again) I thought I would play it safe and just take it easy. Everything went great-- no crashes, and I made a couple climbs that I didn't make the ride before! So, after the ride, I felt pretty jazzed!
Once home, while getting into the shower, I decided I would "just go ahead and change that shower curtain, while I was thinking about it". Well, as they say, most accidents occur in the home. Since I was a little tired from riding (or just lazy), I didn't feel like reaching over my head to change the curtain. So, I "nimbly" climbed up on the side of the tub (do you see where this is going?) and proceeded to take down the old curtain. "Great! The old curtain is down, now to get that new curtain that is laying on the bathroom sink."
As I was stepping down from my precarious perch, I wasn't paying attention to where I was placing my foot, and stepped on the corner of our bathroom scale. This badly placed step caused the scale to immediately flip up and out from under me. This triggered me to fall back against the wall and (somehow) to step on the flipped up scale with my other foot. I managed to regain my balance before totally falling out, but I made one hell of a racket. (Now, remember how I said that I was "getting into the shower" - so I pulled off this graceful stunt- yep, you guessed it!) Oh, that just had to be QUITE A SITE!!! Good grief!!!
Anyway, I guess I came out pretty lucky! I just got a big bruise on the bottom of my foot, which makes walking "quite noticeable". I really would have hated to end up sprawled out on the floor, or worst, be knocked out and have the Rescue Squad come scrap me up.
So anyway, this little episode has just reinforced my opinion that ... Housework is definitely more hazardous than riding a mountain bike at Caesars Creek!!!
Once home, while getting into the shower, I decided I would "just go ahead and change that shower curtain, while I was thinking about it". Well, as they say, most accidents occur in the home. Since I was a little tired from riding (or just lazy), I didn't feel like reaching over my head to change the curtain. So, I "nimbly" climbed up on the side of the tub (do you see where this is going?) and proceeded to take down the old curtain. "Great! The old curtain is down, now to get that new curtain that is laying on the bathroom sink."
As I was stepping down from my precarious perch, I wasn't paying attention to where I was placing my foot, and stepped on the corner of our bathroom scale. This badly placed step caused the scale to immediately flip up and out from under me. This triggered me to fall back against the wall and (somehow) to step on the flipped up scale with my other foot. I managed to regain my balance before totally falling out, but I made one hell of a racket. (Now, remember how I said that I was "getting into the shower" - so I pulled off this graceful stunt- yep, you guessed it!) Oh, that just had to be QUITE A SITE!!! Good grief!!!
Anyway, I guess I came out pretty lucky! I just got a big bruise on the bottom of my foot, which makes walking "quite noticeable". I really would have hated to end up sprawled out on the floor, or worst, be knocked out and have the Rescue Squad come scrap me up.
So anyway, this little episode has just reinforced my opinion that ... Housework is definitely more hazardous than riding a mountain bike at Caesars Creek!!!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Caesar's Creek Trail, part deux
When we first got up here, we had ventured out to Caesars Creek to check out the trail. OMG!!! The section of the trail we decided to ride was crazy! It went straight up and straight down one ravine after another, and had serious erosion problems! After about a half mile, I had given up and returned to the truck- vowing never to return.
Well, yesterday Pops decided to take the weed-wacker out to CC and do some trail maintenance. I decide to help, although I was not real enthusiastic about working on a trail I couldn't ride. To my surprise, we went to a different section! After walking the new (to me) section (and lopping about 10 million honeysuckle vines) I thought I might be able to ride this section.
This evening, Pops wanted to weed-wack some more of the trail, so I took my bike out there to check it out. It was not too bad! The trail reminded me of the Heritage trail, except that it was narrow, and it mostly skirted along the edge of several ravines. In some places, the trail was extremely close to the edge of some very steep drops.
The trail itself was in pretty good shape - not too much erosion and just a couple of areas where the weeds were out of control. This section turned out to be only 3.5 miles long but it actually had several good climbs and several steep descents, but nothing too scary. Humm- I may have to ride it again!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Ain't nuthin' a little Duct Tape can't fix!
Yes, I was a BLONDE today!! 40 minutes from home and I realize I brought the wrong shoes!!! For some reason, I grabbed my road bike shoes(for Speedplay Zero's)and the tandem has Speedplay Frog Pedals. OH CRAP!!! Needless to say- this pedal/ shoe combination will not be very compatible!
While riding up to the start, GofastPops recommended we just tape me to the bike. Now, that's when the blonde light bulb came on!!! As anyone from Georgia knows-- duct tape can fix anything!!! The race was starting right in front of the Casstown Fire Dept.- so I thought- "Hey, a fire department would have some duct tape!!!" So, I ran in and asked a couple of firemen if they could hook me up. Hallelujah! They had some tape and were gracious enough to loan me a couple of long strips! So, while sitting at the starting line, counting down the seconds to our start time, I was taping my shoes to the pedals!!! Also, about this time, I realized that I was wearing my heartrate monitor strap, but didn't have the monitor. Oh, good grief, this is going to be a wild ride! I guess at this point, I was just lucky to be on the bike!
But, even after all of that, we manged to pull off a first place finish... Duct tape and all!!!
While riding up to the start, GofastPops recommended we just tape me to the bike. Now, that's when the blonde light bulb came on!!! As anyone from Georgia knows-- duct tape can fix anything!!! The race was starting right in front of the Casstown Fire Dept.- so I thought- "Hey, a fire department would have some duct tape!!!" So, I ran in and asked a couple of firemen if they could hook me up. Hallelujah! They had some tape and were gracious enough to loan me a couple of long strips! So, while sitting at the starting line, counting down the seconds to our start time, I was taping my shoes to the pedals!!! Also, about this time, I realized that I was wearing my heartrate monitor strap, but didn't have the monitor. Oh, good grief, this is going to be a wild ride! I guess at this point, I was just lucky to be on the bike!
But, even after all of that, we manged to pull off a first place finish... Duct tape and all!!!
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