They had a old Giant Yukon for $9.99! Yes, that was 9 dollars and 99 cents. Surprisingly, it was in pretty good shape. The hardtail- rigid fork frame was dusty, but had no scratches or damage and the brakes and wheels looked good. Although the tires were flat, the chain and gears were a little gunky, one shifter didn't work, and it had a goofy "Mary Poppins Seat" (wide-bottom with gel and 2 big springs), I "HAD TO" buy it! Trust me, I've spent $9.99 on a lot less!!
My plan is to (with a little help from Pops) convert it into a single speed, so most of it's "problems" won't matter anyway. I figure, by using some of our "surplus" bike parts (that we've been "storing" in the basement), all I should have to buy will be a Single Speed conversion kit, a new chain, seatpost, and hand grips. So, I should be able to put together a "decent" single speed for under $75.00.
Pops has already been tinkering around with it. He wiped off the dust and pumped up the tires (so far, they are holding air). He has also pulled off the shifters, chain and flat pedals and mounted my clipless pedals and a couple of water bottle cages.
Should be fun!
You've been a member of the darkside for some time, and now you're about to put on your permanent SS patch by building up you own. There is no turning back now...
I ran into Chris on base and he sent me the link to your blog. I enjoyed catching up by reading what ya'll have been up to. The pics are great. It really is beautiful...for not being Georgia:) Do you ever get back here to visit? Miss you-kelly
What a great deal!
Um, you didn't mention replacing the seat. Surely you're not going to keep that thing that came with it? It looks mighty uncomfortable.
All I can say is....bout time! Next time you guys come down, we'll have to have a "project bike" rally. If you are missing any odd parts, email me. I've been collecting parts for a while, too.
Oh, yes! That "Mary Poppins seat" was horrible!! It squished and bounced something terrible. I replaced it with one we had in the basement- much better!! I also removed the dorky plastic spoke protector. It rides good and came in under budget- total out of pocket $64.45 plus tax!
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