Saturday, January 5, 2008

Skiing with the kids

While the kids were here, we ventured over to the "Perfect North Ski Resort" (just over the Indiana border) for some winter fun. We had heard about this place while attending a wine and cheese party when our friend John was up here. It is only about an hour from the house and was very nice.

Now, I'm no skier by any stretch of the imagination, but it was great fun. We've been skiing in NC and several times out west and the snow seemed more like what you would see out west- very powerery. Perfect North makes a lot of their own snow and were making some while we were there.

The sun was out, but it stayed cold (in the 30's), which is perfect for skiing!

This was one of those days that I was glad we spend so much time working on our fitness. We were able to throw on a pair of skis and have a great time-- without hurting ourselves!

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