Saturday, December 15, 2007

Well, how else would you train for a February Time Trial?

The other day I was thinking how my training has been in doors for the last several weeks -- and I'm supposed to be preparing for a Time Trial in February. So, I decided to drag my bike and trainer out into the garage and ride a time trial. It was 33 degrees and snowing.

I had put together 44 minutes of "hammer music" and rode to it at my "time trial pace". I chose 44 minutes because that was my fastest time from last seasons Colavita series. My goal was to hit the 12 mile mark before my music ended.

I managed to go 14.69 miles and averaged 17.9 mph. Of course, that is on the trainer- without a headwind or hills. I'm sure on the road, it will be a different story.

The neighbors thought I was crazy, but it was pretty cool watching the snow fall!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

You are brilliant! That's a great way to train for a February time trial.