Saturday, September 29, 2007

Last Colavita TT

My time to beat was 44:10... Todays time....45:11! Dang it! 1 Minute and 1 second slower than my best time.

Today was tough... I just could not turn the pedals over. The wind was not too bad and the temperature was great (low 50's and sunny) but I just could not find my groove. And, of course, my nose was running like a faucet!

It seems if the temp is under 75 degrees, and my heart-rate is over 130, my nose fills up runs like crazy. So, several times during the race, I had to blow my nose ( either that or drown). Also, breathing through my nose is completely out of the question. This "exercise" nose drives me crazy! Most times it just an annoyance but having to fiddle around with blowing my nose is costing me time-- time I can't make up. If anyone out there has any suggestions on what I can do to get my nose under control I will really appreciate it.

My last race of the year will be next Sunday in Bellbrook OH. I started this season with a Time Trial in Bellbrook, so it is great that I'll get to finish the season there too. Hopefully, I'll see an improvement from my first race. My time to beat will be 37:55. We'll see....


Mark D. said...

You should try those nose strips.They really do a great job keeping your sinuses open.

Pop's Tart said...

Thanks Mark!!! I'll give that a try at the Bellbrook race.

Anonymous said...

Are you taking an antihistamine before the race? Sometimes they add to heart rate a bit and can make you feel a wee bit dehydrated, but I'd rather feel a little dry and have to drink more than race with a constantly running nose.

You're a racing machine!

Pop's Tart said...

Thanks Mallie!! Yes, I though about taking some Benedryl (but that really makes me loopy!) so I picked up some Nasalcrom instead. I'm going to give that a try along with the nose strips. I think this will take some experimenting- but I guess I'll have all winter to play around with it. Thanks for your suggestion- I'll let y'all know how I do. :0)