Friday, July 20, 2007

First ride on the single speed

Whoo-hoo-- I'm in the club!! Riding the Single Speed was great fun! I even passed some guy on a Trek road bike (okay- he was cranking way to big a gear- straight into a headwind- but I still passed him!)

The rain and thunder storms finally moved out of the area and it was a gorgeous day (sunny with the high in the upper 70s)!! Could there have possibly been a better day for Pops and I to take the new "Draft" (who will now be affectionately known as "The Beast") out for her first ride? I think not!

Riding The Beast is definitely different!! I first thing I noticed was the was the weight. Man, is she heavy - 30 lbs!!! What a difference weight makes! Handling feels different and those small grades and hills take on a whole new perspective. The gear ratio felt good, so I was able to keep a steady cadence. I worked hard without feeling like I was going to die. I also noticed how the "ride" itself felt different. The wider tires and steel frame really "sucked-up" the bumps and knocks I usually feel riding the trail- so that was great.

The only downside to this bike is the fact that I can not use clipless pedals. The crank arms have 1/2" holes instead of the usual 9/16", so I can't swap them out. "Road riding" in flat pedals- wearing Tennis Shoes- just sux!!! Tennis shoes are just to bendy. By the end of our ride, my legs were cramping bad- you know the kind of cramp that starts in your calf and travels down to the bottom of your foot so your toes curl under-- crap that hurts!!! I think the next time, I'll try wearing a pair of my mountain bike shoes. Even though I won't be able to clip in, they'll at least be a little stiffer, so maybe my legs won't cramp-up.

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