Saturday, July 28, 2007

Colavita TT (July)

A cool and foggy race July?!?

Last months time to beat was 44:30 - Today, I did it in 44:10...what a surprise!!

The fact that I was able to beat last months time really surprised me considering my right cleat would not clip-in for the entire race! About 10 minutes before my start time, I decided I needed a "nature break". Since, our starting location does not provide water or restroom, I had no choice but to visit a cornfield. Because it has rained here (pretty much) all last week, the cornfield was very muddy and my cleats got completed packed with mud and small pebbles. I thought I had cleaned them out with some of our drinking water before heading to the start, but there must has been some lingering mud lodged in them. After starting, the left shoe clipped-in (after somewhat of a struggle) but the right shoe stubbornly refused. I piddled around for about the first 3 miles trying to get clipped-in (while trying to ride), but no luck. At that point, feeling totally frustrated, I thought about abandoning the race, but then I thought "it doesn't really matter- just ride the course".

Other than my shoe issues, I felt pretty good during the race- I guess that Cytomax really works! I worked hard and tried to keep my heart-rate at about 162.

And, got some bad hair to prove it!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I guess TDF now stands for Tainted Drug Fest...


Monday, July 23, 2007

Tour d' Burg

The city of Miamisburg put on their 3rd annual Tour d'burg bike race and tour. Since there was absolutely no way I would EVER race in a Criterium- we opted for the 50 mile tour ride.

We could not have asked for better weather for a long ride! Sunny, a little chilly in the morning, but by noon it had warmed up to the mid 70s. That's SEVENTIES- what month is this again???

We toured lovely country roads lined with one huge farm after another -- growing lots of CORN!!!

All in all- a great day. Only had two minor incidents- One BIG dog (a German Shepherd) came out- but he mostly barked and didn't come into the road. And, a flat tire at mile 31- but Pops had it fixed in no time.

Friday, July 20, 2007

First ride on the single speed

Whoo-hoo-- I'm in the club!! Riding the Single Speed was great fun! I even passed some guy on a Trek road bike (okay- he was cranking way to big a gear- straight into a headwind- but I still passed him!)

The rain and thunder storms finally moved out of the area and it was a gorgeous day (sunny with the high in the upper 70s)!! Could there have possibly been a better day for Pops and I to take the new "Draft" (who will now be affectionately known as "The Beast") out for her first ride? I think not!

Riding The Beast is definitely different!! I first thing I noticed was the was the weight. Man, is she heavy - 30 lbs!!! What a difference weight makes! Handling feels different and those small grades and hills take on a whole new perspective. The gear ratio felt good, so I was able to keep a steady cadence. I worked hard without feeling like I was going to die. I also noticed how the "ride" itself felt different. The wider tires and steel frame really "sucked-up" the bumps and knocks I usually feel riding the trail- so that was great.

The only downside to this bike is the fact that I can not use clipless pedals. The crank arms have 1/2" holes instead of the usual 9/16", so I can't swap them out. "Road riding" in flat pedals- wearing Tennis Shoes- just sux!!! Tennis shoes are just to bendy. By the end of our ride, my legs were cramping bad- you know the kind of cramp that starts in your calf and travels down to the bottom of your foot so your toes curl under-- crap that hurts!!! I think the next time, I'll try wearing a pair of my mountain bike shoes. Even though I won't be able to clip in, they'll at least be a little stiffer, so maybe my legs won't cramp-up.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Paint Creek 6 hr "Race"

I was the only rider to sign up for the Womens Solo category- but that's okay- I really wasn't out there "to race". My focus was to gain experience in a race environment, increase my endurance, and improve my bike skills.

My plan was to take it easy, keep my heart rate under control and try and keep a steady pace. I started at the back of the pack and let the "racers" take off. I stuck to my plan so it took me almost 2 hours (1:59:50- according to my bike computer) to complete my first lap (12 miles). During that time, I didn't see another rider until I was almost to the finish.

The course was not hard technically, just exhausting. Riding on so much grass just wore me out. After my one lap, I bailed. I was "whooped" and there was no sense in pushing it and risking an injury.

Next race-- Colavita TT on the 28th.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Check out my Birthday Present!

My Birthday's coming up, so Pop's bought me a Draft single speed!!

It's really cool! Nothing fancy- steel frame, basic components, painted solid black, and as heavy as a pig!! But, it will make me WORK, and that's exactly what I want! I really wanted to take it out today, but the Paint Creek race is tomorrow, so today would not be the day to test-ride a new bike.

I'm planning to use this as my "training" bike. Hopefully, after riding this up and down the bike trail, my Blue should feel like a feather!

And, Pooh gets to go too!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Paint Creek test ride

Today, Pops and I drove out to Paint Creek to check out the trail before next weeks race.

A lot of the trail was wide grassy double track that was (unfortunately) dotted with nasty sticker vines that were hanging out into the trail.

The trail had several "cut-outs" to more difficult sections. We included them today in case they throw those in next week.

Our ride ended up taking about 3 hrs, including stopping at the truck to re-fill our water bottles and several stops to take pictures. And, I saw a coyote as he ran across the trail behind Pops (he ran between us) and Pops spotted a Skunk.

Here's an interesting link about coyotes in Ohio.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Welcome new biker!

See, any blonde can do it!!!

Now, where's your helmet Paris?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Adventures at the B-M-V!

Hi kids, today’s word is … Bureaucracy ! Why? Allow me to explain...

Today, I took off early from work in order to run a few errands before the Jul 4th holiday. One of my stops was at the Ohio B-M-V. They claim the “B” stands for “BUREAU” of Motor Vehicles, but I think it really stands for “BUREAUCRACY” of Motor Vehicles.

Upon arrival, I noticed a building with 2 rooms--side by side--one room on the left, the other on the right. I chose the room on the right and walked in. I was greeted by friendly lady #1 - to which I explained that I had recently moved to Ohio and I would like to get an Ohio vehicle tag. She explained that before I could get a tag, I would first have to have my vehicle “inspected”. “You must go to the room on the left for that” she said. I thanked her and went on my way.

Walking into the room on the left, I noticed several people in a waiting area and a “Take A Number” machine. I pulled my number, and sat down to wait my turn.

After a short wait (about 10 min), I was called to the counter by friendly lady #2. I explained to her that I would like to have my vehicle inspected in order to get my car tag. Now, getting my vehicle “inspected” required me to give friendly lady #2 my name and address, pay $3.50, and then have her follow me to my car so she could write down my VIN number and mileage. She handed me a piece of paper with this information and told to take my “inspection” to the room on the right.

I went back to the room on the right, with my “inspection” in hand, where I was greeted by friendly lady #3. I asked her if I could get a tag. Nope, not yet! Now, I must get an Ohio “Title” for my vehicle. In order to get an Ohio title, I needed to give friendly lady #3 my Georgia title (so she could copy the information off of it) and $7.50. She printed out a fresh ”Ohio” title and kept my Georgia title “for record”. “Now, she said, "take your “inspection” and “title” to the room on the left to get your tag.”

Okay, back to the room on the left-- pull another number, wait my turn…. I know this drill.

After another short wait (about 10-15 min) I was called to the counter by friendly lady #4. “I would like to get a vehicle tag-- I have my “inspection” and “title” I said proudly. “Sure, no problem, we’ll just need your current driver license and SS card. “Okay, here you go…” “Oh! You have a Georgia DL!” friendly lady #4 exclaimed. “Is that a problem?” I inquired. Friendly lady #4 explained that she “could” issue me a tag using my GA DL, but if I was to get pulled over, I would be ticketed for having an OH tag and GA DL. Okay, that would be bad, “what do I need to do to get an Ohio DL” I asked? Well, according to friendly lady #4, I would first have to take the Ohio drivers test - and that's only given in the XENIA, HUBER HEIGHTS, or LEBANON B-M-V office!!! Oh, good grief!

At this point I decided that I would just take my chances-- get the tag and keep the GA DL(for now)! “Can I get a Share The Road tag?” I asked. "Well, yes" #4 said, "but it will only be good until your Birthday." What!!! My birthday is in 20 days, why would..… “Oops, no, wait, the computer says it will be good until 2008”. "Just fill out this form, give us $88.00 and we’ll mail you your STR tag within 14 days." I was then given a cardboard ”Temporary Tag” to put into my back window "as of tonight!".

So to recap, I got to meet four friendly ladies, who managed to take grand total of $99.00 from me and give me an "Inspection" (ie: a piece of paper containing information that I already knew), a "New Ohio Title" (a duplicate of the Georgia title), and a cardboard tag (for a back window that is too small to display it).

So, I guess this weekend I’ll be off to the XENIA B-M-V to try and get an Ohio DL... Oh boy, I can hardly wait!

Sunday, July 1, 2007