Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ahhh, peer pressure

Most of us would like to say that we are immune to peer pressure- me included. But, I'm not. When I arrived at the Fast Lap race I hadn't even thought about signing up in the "Advance Womens" class. But, while registering, the lady registering everyone causally asked me... "Advanced Women, right"? Uh... no... I mumbled, "I usually race in the "Beginner Women" class. That's when it started...("Oh, you can do it") and that's when I caved...and registered as "AW-03".

Now, the difference between the Advance Women race and Beginner Women race is the length of the course. Beginner women ride a little less than half of the course (3.5m), while the advance women ride the whole course (8m). And, of course, the advance women are a bit more "competitive". I was a good 11 mins back from first place and 6 mins back from 3rd.

But, I felt really good (aerobically) for the entire race. (I really wasn't pushing myself as hard as I should have been.) If I could just get my bike handling skills up to my aerobic limits, I could probably shave off a good amount of time.


Kathleen said...

I bow down in your general direction. I couldn't pedal a road bike that far if I tried. ;p

Anonymous said...

They asked you to be in the Advance Women because you look like you can beat the socks off everyone.
Love, Luey and Cookie