Saturday, August 25, 2007

Colavita TT

My time today was 44:18. Eight seconds slower than last month! But, really, I'm not too upset about that-- Todays race was brutal!

As soon as I started- it started raining- but (luckily) the rain only lasted the first couple of miles. The real killer today was the headwind!!! Holy smokes!! All the way out we had a 10mph sustained headwind with gusts of 15-20mph. Oh my gosh! There were times when my heart-rate would be at pegged at 165 but was only managing to push 12-13mph!!! It was really hard to keep my head together when I was "busting butt" and still creeping along.

Since I've been racing against the same 4 ladies the entire series, a couple of months ago I started doing a some trend analysis with our results. (I knew that college degree would paid off!) Since I can not accurately gage my improvement from one race to another (because of different environmental factors- like todays wind), I've been looking at things like the change in the time gaps between me and the other ladies in my category. So, once the official results are posted for todays race, I'll see if I was able to reduce my time gap for this race.

Tomorrow, we'll do the 6 hours race at John Bryan... we'll see how that goes.

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