Sunday, April 6, 2008

Standin' at Americas crossroads

Today, Pops and I worked as Corner Marshals for a road race hosted by Team Dayton. I have always enjoyed my "assignments" as a volunteer for bike events and today was no exception. I know, to the average person, standing at the side of the road, watching groups of bike riders whiz by may not sound like fun, but I find it to be quite enjoyable. And, we couldn't have asked for a better day! The sun was out and the temp was in the mid 60s.

Our assigned corner was out in the MIDDLE of nowhere! Pops and I were laughing that we were in the middle of "Cornfield County" Ohio (do you remember Hee-Haw?)! I think we saw (maybe) 10 cars the whole time we were out there. I think this bike race was the only exciting thing that has (or will ever) happen at that corner (although I did find some sort of animal skull down in the ravine next to the road so something actually happen there at least once).

Here's a couple pictures I took on their first lap...

A tight, 90 degree turn-


Dave said...

The bike race actually was the only exciting thing to ever happen there. The skull was washed down the ravine from elsewhere.

Unknown said...

I've been missing your posts. Glad to see the snow didn't bury you!