Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cell phone disaster!

Hello friends!

Here's todays "Pop's Tart Friendly Tip of the Day":

Don't wash your cell phone-- they don't like it...

Last Sunday, my cell phone took a ride through our washer, and needless to say, the outcome was not good. It totally killed it! I replaced the phone last week, but since it was totally dead, they were not able to retrieve any of my stored numbers. This means three things: (1)the numbers I had written down are now being re-entering by hand (2)the numbers I had only stored in my phone were totally lost and (3) I am totally bummed out that I've lost all of my numbers!

So, if you know my personal email address or cell phone number please give me a shout so I can get you back into my contact list.


Dave said...

Have you heard the latest Halloween joke? "Two Vampires walk into a bar..." and get lost in the mail. It's the thought that counts! Happy Halloween to you guys too!


BodyTec Fitness Club said...

Give it a chance to dry out and it'll probably start working again.

I've had two that have been totally submerged in water before and after a few days both started working again.

Next time make sure to store your numbers on the internal card thingy.Losing numbers totally sucks,especially since relying on speed dial makes it impossible to memorize peoples numbers like in the good ol' days when ya had to dial them .