Saturday, May 26, 2007

Colavita TT - 4th

4th out of 4...That doesn't sound so good, and I didn't win any really cool prizes, but actually, I'm pretty happy with my results. Somehow, I managed to shave a whopping 5 minutes and 20 seconds off my results from last month. Whoo-hoo!!!

Now, I myself, have been wondering how I managed to do that. So, I've been thinking about it, and have concluded that it could be any (or all) of the following reasons:

Reason #1. I just felt better today. Last month, I felt like I was going to puke for about half of the race. This time, I didn't have that problem.

Reason #2. Not (AS MUCH!) headwind. Last month, there was a terrible headwind going out, but this time it was not nearly as bad. GofastPops thinks the wind was "non-existent", but apparently his definition of non-existent and mine are somewhat different. I would say, the wind started out light, but seemed to be "picking up" all the way out. By the time I got to the turn-around, I'd say it was blowing pretty good!

Reason #3. Aerobars. Whoo-hoo these rock!!!

But, I think it the real reason for my success today was definitely...

the Dairy Queen (chocolate dipped) Ice Cream Cone I scarfed down last night after walking the dogs. uh... I was "carbo-loading"... yeah, that's it... !!!

Powered by "DQ"... I think I like that!


Anonymous said...

Ya know, my favorite pre-ride energy food is Moon Pies. Chocolate, non of that banana - orange - vanilla crap. gotta stick to the classics.

Do they have Moon Pies in Ohio-land?

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you are kicking butt up there in Ohio. Just tell people that you came in 4th place. Don't tell people how many were in the race.