During the snowstorm on Wednesday Milo (somehow) managed to crack one of his toenails- and it was bad. We think he broke it on the ice- but we really don't know. All we know is- upon coming back into the house from a "potty" break- we noticed that his right foot was bleeding and that his nail was completely cracked from "tip to fur" and sticking straight out. Oh gosh-- just looking at it gave me the heebie-geebies!! Because of the snowstorm, we figured the vet's office was probably closed and even if it was open, we didn't think it would be a wise decision to try to drive over during the storm. We decided our best course of action was to administer some first aid (clean it and clip off the "dead end" so it would not touch or get caught on anything) and then get him to the vet as soon as the weather breaks.
Finally on Thursday, the storm had passed and we were able to get him to the vet's office. The Vet recommended emergency surgery to completely remove his nail. The surgery only took a couple of hours and Milo was able to return home that afternoon wearing his new doggy "cast". He was so funny (when he got home) because he was still groggy from the sedation and also very drunk on pain meds.
We were instructed to remove the cast after 24 hours so now Milo's recovering well and is able to run around again (actually- he acts as if nothing had happened). The Vet said his nail should grow back in time- it just looks a little funny right now.